SDK Setup
CID would appear to stand for 'Country ID' - but LTE users have found flashing a different number CID firmware (than their original) broke network support. More here. CID6 = XT1031 - CDMA (Republic Wireless US) CID7 = XT1032 - European Global GSM (Single-SIM) or XT1033 - Retail Asia (Dual-SIM) CID9 = XT1031 - CDMA (Boost US) or XT1032 - Retail US Global GSM or XT1034 - Retail US AWS CID12 = XT1032 - Latin America / Brazil Global GSM (Single-SIM) or XT1033 - Latin America / Brazil Global GSM (Dual-SIM) CID14 = XT1034 - Retail Canada AWS or XT1034 - Bell Canada AWS
IMEI=$(cat /proc/config/imei/ascii) echo 'AT+EGMR=1,14,'"$IMEI" > /dev/pttycmd1
List all files:
ls -lRa
Remount file system as read/write:
mount -o remount,rw /system
Symbolic Link:
ln -sf /system/efs
Change modes:
chmod 0555 filename
Diag Mode:
setprop sys.usb.config diag,adb
Find all mount points:
cd /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/ ls -las
Back up of the whole memory block (via adb)
Connect the phone in ADB mode and unlock the screen. Open one Cygwin Terminal and enter (replace mmcblk0 if needed): Code:
adb forward tcp:5555 tcp:5555 adb shell su /system/xbin/busybox nc -l -p 5555 -e /system/xbin/busybox dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0
You will see the cursor blinking at the left. Now the phone is waiting to send the block over the network.
Open another Cygwin terminal and type: Code:
adb forward tcp:5555 tcp:5555 cd /path/to/store/the/backup nc 5555 | pv -i 0.5 > mmcblk0.raw
You will see how the image size is growing until it finishes. Now you have the whole phone backed up in raw format. You can see the contents of the GPT partition with gptfdisk tool, available for windows, linux and such. See official website and sourceforge to get it. You can do it the same from ClockWorkMod Recovery but you have to mount first the /system partition since the busybox included with clockworkmod does not come with netcat and you have to use the one from the system partition. With further linux tools you could edit or extract single partitions from the whole block.