SDK Setup
CID would appear to stand for 'Country ID' - but LTE users have found flashing a different number CID firmware (than their original) broke network support. More here. CID6 = XT1031 - CDMA (Republic Wireless US) CID7 = XT1032 - European Global GSM (Single-SIM) or XT1033 - Retail Asia (Dual-SIM) CID9 = XT1031 - CDMA (Boost US) or XT1032 - Retail US Global GSM or XT1034 - Retail US AWS CID12 = XT1032 - Latin America / Brazil Global GSM (Single-SIM) or XT1033 - Latin America / Brazil Global GSM (Dual-SIM) CID14 = XT1034 - Retail Canada AWS or XT1034 - Bell Canada AWS
IMEI=$(cat /proc/config/imei/ascii) echo 'AT+EGMR=1,14,'"$IMEI" > /dev/pttycmd1
List all files:
ls -lRa
Remount file system as read/write:
mount -o remount,rw /system
Symbolic Link:
ln -sf /system/efs
Change modes:
chmod 0555 filename
Diag Mode:
setprop sys.usb.config diag,adb
Find all mount points:
cd /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/ ls -las
Back up of a single partition (tar = only files and folders)
In this case, you need the partition mounted. To see the list of mounted partitions type on Terminal Code:
adb shell mount
Now you need to know where is mounted the partition you want to backup, for example the firmware is mounted on /system, which is the ROM. In this case you will have to open three terminals, because of android limitations:
Open one terminal and create a fifo, in /cache, for example, and redirect the tar there Code:
adb forward tcp:5555 tcp:5555 adb shell su /system/xbin/busybox mkfifo /cache/myfifo /system/xbin/busybox tar -cvf /cache/myfifo /system
We have to do it this way because redirecting the tar to stdout (with - ) is broken on android and will corrupt the tar file.
Open a second terminal and type: Code:
adb forward tcp:5555 tcp:5555 adb shell su /system/xbin/busybox nc -l -p 5555 -e /system/xbin/busybox cat /cache/myfifo
Open a third terminal and type: Code:
adb forward tcp:5555 tcp:5555 cd /path/to/store/the/backup nc 5555 | pv -i 0.5 > system.tar
You can browse the tar file with Winrar, Total Commander, PeaZip and almost any compression tool. Note that you shouldn't extract files or edit it since the tar format saves the permission and owner data for each file, that is lost when extracted to FAT / NTFS partitions and you will mess things when restoring.